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We cover the following Wireless Technologies 

official Wi-Fi logo in black and white colours , for products which have  passed the Wi-Fi Alliance testing.
The official Bluetooth logo shows a white sign on blue background and the word bluetooth itself, Completing the Bluetooth Qualification process allows the members to make use of the Bluetooth Trademark, Name and Logos.
The number 5 and the letter G both in white colour with three bows in green colour  are the official logo of the 5G mobil communication standard.
The official logo for the technology which  Enables energy-efficient data transmission over long distances, the letters "LoRa" in white, above and below the "o" are three blue bows.
The logo for the fourth generation of mobile communications standard consists of the letters "Lte" in black with three red bows above the "t".
Ultra-wideband is an ultra-wideband technology used to transmit high-frequency pulses over short distances.The official logo shows the three letters "UWB" with four with bows above.
The Qi standard for wireless charging is currently mostly used in small mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. The official logo shows the two letters "q" and "i".
Radar is the abbreviation for radio detection and ranging and is the name for various detection and localization methods and devices based on electromagnetic waves in the radio frequency range (radio waves).
The GPS icon vector in white and the letters GPS. The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a satellite-based radio navigation system.
RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) is the contactless exchange of data between an RFID transponder and an RFID writing or reading device.
Zigbee is a radio protocol based on IEEE 802.15.4. It is an economical technology that consumes little energy to send the signals.

Smart Home • Fitness/Health Devices • IoT Devices • Medical Devices • Automotive Infotainment Systems • UWB Ultra-Wideband GSM/UMTS PDA • GSM/GPRS/UMTS/LTE Module • Smartphones • Routers • Immobilizer (125kHz) • Keyless Entry Systems • Low Power Device Wireless Networks • Bar Code Scanners • WLAN 802.11a/b/g/n/ac/ax (WiFi 6) • Bluetooth (2,4GHz) • Bluetooth Low Energy (2.4GHz)  Immobilizer (125kHz, 13,56MHz) • Tyre Pressure Monitoring Systems (125kHz, 315MHz, 433MHz, 868MHz) • RFID (125kHz, 13,56MHz, 868MHz)  Remote Keyless entry (315MHz, 433MHz, 868MHz) • Entertainment (2,4GHz) • Automotive Radar Systems (24GHz, 76-77GHz, 79GHz)  Industrial Radars (76 - 81GHz) • Household Appliances • Industrial Devices • Sensors • Audio Devices 




Market Access Requirements for Wireless Devices

For placing radio/wireless products or radio components (e.g. WLAN, Bluetooth, RFID, LTE, etc.) on the market, there are different requirements in various countries and regions around the world, based on legal regulations.
Only by complying with these legal regulations, the manufacturer or importer is permitted to market and operate their radio product in the respective country.

Our service consists of using our worldwide network of authorities, agents and ISO 17025 accredited laboratories to obtain the appropriate radio certification for our customers. Depending on the product and country, this can be a certificate, a declaration of conformity, database entry or even an exemption from an official body. Also regulatory testing in accordance with CE (Europe), FCC (USA), ISED (Canada) and other international standards is offered by our partner laboratories.

This is pre-condition for worldwide certification.

Required for ALL Wireless Devices

Required for Wireless Devices that integrate licensed technologies (like Bluetooth, WiFi, Qi)

BlueQ Market Access Process